Sports break with Radu Restivan

July 4th 2022

Sports break with TNS and Radu Restivan

How to run 5k before the office, during the lunch break or even after the program.

The route starts from Timpuri Noi Square to the Tineretului Park and back.

Intermediate points:

• Start TNSquare;

• We leave on Splai towards Mihai Bravu and cross Dâmbovița at the pedestrian bridge from Deschis Gastrobar;

• Return to Timpuri noi also on Splai;

• We go to the entrance from Tineretului Park on Șincai;

• In Tineretului you go on the central alley to the bridge over the lake, you go down on the lake to the Actors’ Cafe;

• Return to the park entrance, then return to TNSquare and finish at the entrance.

Total distance: 5.5K – time about 30-40 minutes for any beginner runner. For the fast ones, less than 30 minutes without problems.

Map for Timpuri Noi Square – 5K.